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Cartesian coordinate system


The Cartesian coordinate system is a method that specifies each point in a plane by a pair of numerical coordinates. The horizontal line is denoted 

by an X, and the vertical line is denoted by a Y.  The point where the lines meet is called the

origin. It is denoted by the point (0,0). The first coordinate is called the abcissa, or the 

X coordinate. The second coordinate is called the ordinate or the Y coordinate.  For 

example the green coordinate on the right is (2,3). That means from the origin you 

move 2 places to the right, and then 3 places up. When you are looking at a drawing for a 

gas spring application it is typical in a profile, and the center of the hinge point is 

the origin. So every other point is referenced from the hinge point. So the point 

(200, -25) would be 200mm to the right of the hinge, and 25mm below the level of the 

hinge. When using GASSIM all the points needed to calculate the handle load have 

to be input using the cartesian coordinate system.

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